February 19th 2018
U.S.-based food to retail company Cargill to infuse 20 million euros ($22.7 million) in its starch production facility in Sas Van Gent, the Netherlands.
Cargill is investing EUR20m in its starch production plant in Sas Van Gent, The Netherlands, to expand the instant starch capacity. The investment will support the increased consumer demand for convenience food.
Instant starch is a key ingredient in many cold prepared foods. Worldwide, the demand for the categories in which instant starch is used has increased. According to Euromonitor, retail volumes for ready meals, sauces, soups, cakes and pastries combined grew by 11% from 2013 to 2018, well above the growth of overall packaged food of 7% in the same period.
“Consumers have had to adapt their eating habits to their busier lifestyles, which has led to an increased demand for convenience food. This investment in the plant allows Cargill to deliver on the current consumer demand, and to prepare for even greater customer needs in the future,” said Denis Palacioglu, starch product line manager, Cargill in Europe.
The project includes the construction of a new building and the installation of two new roll dryers in the Sas Van Gent production facility. High food-safety standards and hygienic process design principles are applied to ensure product quality. It is expected to go live in the summer of 2019.
Source: https://www.investsize.com/en/us-cargill-to-invest-%24226-mln-in-new-netherlands’-starch-production-facility