August 09th 2017
Domestic Vimal will increase its production capacities 13 times.
Domestic Vimal, manufacturer of starch products, announced the opening of its new plant in Chernigiv region of Ukraine in late October this year. The projected capacity of the plant will be 600tons of starch a day. It is a significant increase within the company compared to the present day manufacturing of 45tons of starch per day at the Vimal facilities. Notably, the plant is being built by the very company division Vimal-Spetsstroi. Larsen equipment will be mounted for the use at the new plant. Vimal will produce starch according to the European standards of quality and safety. The company will file for certification from the top world quality and safety management systems.
The shareholders of the company have plans to increase exports including shipments to the EU countries. As of present, Vimal exports to the CIS countries and China.
Over and above, the company intends to increase the assortment of production after the launch of the starch plant. The development strategy concerns protein, organic fertilizers and other products of potato processing. The latter plans will be undertaken in 2018-2020, told Sergey Samonenko the CEO of Vimal.