September 20th 2016
New technologies for milder and more efficient modification of starch.
Wageningen University & Research and TNO aim to develop new, milder and more efficient technologies for the modification of starch polysaccharides – and processing of the main potato organic side stream: potato fiber. Modified polysaccharides are of huge economic importance. They are widely used in food products such as desserts, soups, sauces and dairy products.
The aim of the project, initiated by Wageningen University & Research and TNO, is to develop more efficient technologies for the conversion of starch polysaccharides into food grade ingredients and the isolation of high value non-starch carbohydrate fractions from potato fibre. The project will create more scientific insight into the modification and isolation of polysaccharides and will answer the question on how the hydroxyl groups are selectively activated in order to steer the desired reaction and to suppress side reactions.
Two companies participate in the project: the Dutch companies AVEBE and FLOWID. AVEBE is the largest potato starch company in The Netherlands, producing both starch-based ingredients for the food and non-food market. FLOWID is an SME with an impressive track record in processing and mixing of powders and solid systems. FLOWID believes in solutions that increase safety, efficiency and flexibility of the process industry that lie far beyond the beaten track.