October 21st 2015
Tereos Syral becomes Tereos Starch & Sweeteners Europe.
Ever since its creation, TEREOS has been developing its activities around its core business of sugar and sweeteners, to become a global leader expanding internationally and diversifying its raw materials to offer its customers a large portfolio of sugar, starch and alcohol-based products.
Today, TEREOS, a cooperative enterprise, is controlling through its integrated value chain from upstream agricultural activities to the manufacturing and distribution of finished products while remaining committed to serve its customers with excellence.
TEREOS is also adapting to face new challenges in an ever changing world: from the opening of new markets to the deregulation of agricultural policies and the growing social and environmental concerns of all the stakeholder.
Today, we are gathering all our activities under one name, TEREOS, in order to strengthen our offering in a coordinated global approach. As a result, Tereos Syral becomes Tereos Starch & Sweeteners Europe.
Source: http://www.tereos-starchsweeteners.com/en/news-media/newslist/new-branding